The Intersection of Electric Cars and Solar Energy

How Solar Panels Can Power Your Electric Vehicle

In a push towards more sustainable living and the battle against climate change, solar energy and electric vehicles (EVs) have become increasingly popular. As a result, the wide availability and access to EVs have also given rise to the available options for charging those vehicles.

But, there are important questions to consider, namely how does solar panel charging work? Can solar energy be used to charge an EV? And what are the advantages and disadvantages of using solar panels to charge an EV?

In this blog, we will provide answers to these questions and more to help you decide if you need to switch and charge your EV with solar panels.

How Does Solar Panel Charging Work?

A renewable and sustainable way to power your electric vehicle is by charging its battery using solar panels. In other words, sunlight is converted into electricity by solar panels and this energy is used to charge up your EV battery.

Typically, solar panels are installed on the roof and connected to support all your electrical devices. They can also be connected to the electrical grid so that you can sell excess electricity back to the utility company.

Solar panels can also be directly connected to your EV charger and the electrons it produces can be directly fed into your car. It means that solar panels are the best option for reducing your carbon footprint and generating long-term cost savings as you use the power you have generated.

Can You Charge Your Electric Car With Solar Energy?

It is possible to charge your EV with solar energy. But to do this, you will need to install a domestic Solar Photovoltaic System (Solar PV) together with the solar charger for the car battery.

One (1) to four (4) units of power (kW) are generated by an average domestic PV system. It is enough to fully charge an electric car with a 40kWh battery capacity in just over eight hours.

However, the amount of available energy to charge an electric car is dependent on the time of the year and the weather conditions. You may need to supplement your solar PV system with power from the grid in winter when there is less daylight and more cloud cover.

How Many Solar Panels Do You Need To Charge An EV?

Larger batteries, in general, require more panels. It is advisable to speak to a professional about the right size and type of system for your needs if you want to install a solar PV system to charge your car.

Around 8-12 solar panels can power an electric vehicle, but you must check who is installing your solar panels.

Can You Use A Regular EV Charger With Solar

Panel Charging?

You can use a regular EV charger with solar panel charging. But, you will need to install a PV inverter unit to convert solar energy into electricity to start charging your EV using solar panels. An inverter will come standard with most installations, but you must check with your supplier.

An inverter changes the current from DC to AC and it enables you to use electricity from the panels to power your home and devices. EV chargers come with this technology already installed in the box, so you can charge immediately.

Solar panels generate power during the day and most people prefer charging their electric vehicle overnight. In such an instance, you will need a battery storage system that can store energy generated throughout the day if you want to charge your EV at night.

How Much Electricity Does EV Charging Use And How To Calculate It?

The charging efficiency of EVs is measured by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in kWh of electricity per 100 miles. In the United States, the average EV charging efficiency is approximately 31 kWh/100 miles and it is dependent on the make and model. About 0.31 kWh of electricity is needed for every mile driven.

There are two options available for drivers, A Level 1 EV charger (trickle charger) or a Level 2 EV charging station.

Trickle charging, for average drivers, is sufficient enough to top off a batter when the EV is plugged in overnight. A Level 2 electric vehicle supply equipment (EVSE) uses more electricity for faster charging speeds but is the best option when you have limited time.

The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Solar Panels To Charge Your EV

Before switching to charging your EV with a solar panel, there are a few things that you need to consider. Below are some pros and cons:

Advantages of using solar panels to charge your EV

  1. Solar panel charging is great for the environment. Compared to combustion engine cars, electric cars are much cleaner. But if their batteries are charged using electricity from coal-fired power stations, it reduces their environmental benefits. So, charging your EV batteries using solar panels will help to maximise the environmental benefits of driving an electric car.

  2.  After installing your solar PC system, it will require very little maintenance while also continuing to generate electricity for years to come. According to the Energy Saving Trust, a home solar PV system can save around one tonne of carbon per year*.

  3. Charging your EV battery using solar panels is cheaper than using grid electricity. Generating your solar power comes at a cheaper cost than buying power from the grid, meaning in the long run, you will save money on your EV charging costs.

  4. Solar PV systems can generate sufficient electricity to fully charge an electric car. A domestic solar PV system generates an estimated four (4) kilowatts of power, which is enough to charge an EV.

  5.  You can save on your energy bills with a domestic solar PV system. If you generate more electricity than you can use, you can sell it back to the grid and reduce your monthly energy bills.

Disadvantages of installing solar panels

  1. Buying and installing a solar PV system can be substantial. There are generous financial incentives offered by the government for solar PV installations, so you must check whether you can get a grant or subsidy to help with the costs.

  2. For solar panel charging to work, it requires sunny weather. So, a solar PV system will not be an ideal solution for charging your EV if you live in a cloudy climate. However, it can still produce some electricity on cloudy days, that is if you supplement it with power from the grid in winter.

  3. It takes longer to charge using solar panels than using the grid. However, when you have installed your solar PV system, you can leave your EV on charge overnight and it will be ready to go in the morning.

Frequently asked questions

  • Several factors will determine the charge time for an electric vehicle (EV), such as the EV’s battery capacity, fuel economy, rated power, number of solar panels and hours of peak sunlight. The general guideline is that it may take a few hours to several days to fully charge an EV using solar panels

  • When you factor in government incentives, solar charging for your EV is a worthwhile investment. Your investment will pay out faster if you reside in an area that receives higher-than-average hours of sunlight.

    If you are installing a solar power system to charge your EV, you will still save money on charging costs over time. These savings could dramatically multiply if you also use solar panels to power your home.

  • The best time to charge your EV using solar panels is during peak sunlight hours. That is between late morning and mid-afternoon. Solar panels, during peak sunlight hours, can perform at their highest efficiencies resulting in the production of more solar power to charge your EV.

  • Yes, you do need a special EV charger for solar panel charging. Remember that EV chargers and solar panels work well together, but not all EV chargers can be directly charged by solar power.

  • You can charge your EV directly with the energy stored in a backup electricity reserve, only when it is connected to a home battery system. It will allow you to charge your EV if gird power is not available, too expensive or when solar power is not available.

  • You do not need to battery to charge your EV with a grid-tied solar system. A battery, however, will allow you to charge your EV with clean power even after the sun has set.

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